Coast to Coast - IRS Help - Tax Debt Relief

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Flat Fee Tax Relief - IRS Help

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IRS Help - Tax Debt Relief





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What is Currently not Collectible (IRS Hardship)? If you owe a tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service, the agency will attempt to enforce the collection of your tax debt by confiscating your assets and income (tax levy - IRS levy).


Should the IRS decide that you cannot pay the tax debt due to a financial hardship situation, the IRS (or state) will issue a provisional hold on the collection and move your tax case into a status called “currently-not-collectible”, or CNC.


When it is proven to the IRS that the taxpayer is unable to meet their tax debt obligations, the IRS will prepare a Form 53 and follow the relevant instructions attached thereto. A taxpayer that wishes to obtain Currently Not Collectible status may also be required to prove that he or she lacks sufficient assets with which to satisfy the tax debt and that the taxpayer has insufficient income to satisfy that debt; this must be shown through the filing of a Collection Information Statement (CIS) not more than 12 months old.


While this Collection Information Statement will usually be Form 433-A, Form 433-F can also be used instead of Form 433-A if the taxpayer is a wage earner and the potential trust fund recovery penalty (TFRP) liability is less than $100,000. In addition, the taxpayer will undergo an annual IRS review, which the IRS conducts to ensure that a sound basis remains for the designated Currently Not Collectible status accorded a taxpayer. Thus, taxpayers may be required to fill out and re-submit a Collection Information Statement on an annual basis.

Interest and penalties will continue to accrue while cases are in Currently not Collectible (IRS Hardship) status. Being in Currently not Collectible status will usually last from 18 to 24 months before the IRS will re-evaluate your finances.

It is routine for the agency to set a follow-up date of two (2) years from the date your tax liability was moved into CNC status. If, after the follow-up review by the IRS, your income has not increased, your case will again be placed into non-collectible status.

When a person is able to secure IRS Hardship, there will be no effort by the IRS to collect the tax debt, but penalties and interest will continue to accrue.


You could attempt to secure Currently not Collectible status on your own, however, we recommend you have a Tax Attorney handle for you.


  • Request at the time of a tax levy release,

  • When dealing with an IRS Revenue Officer or appeals officer, make the request (be prepared with Form 433)

  • File an IA request, asking for a payment of $0.00


Type across the face of the IA request, “seeking non-collectible status.”

  • Provide Form 433A and attach a short narrative.

  • The grounds for an IRS Hardship are the same as for a tax levy release; most establish that the taxpayer has less income than allowed expenses.


Is Currently not Collectible Your Best Tax Relief Option?


We always tell taxpayers who call in, that the difference between being Currently not Collectible and doing an Offer in Compromise is like a marathon runner deciding to stop running when he/she is 200 yards from the finish line. Why not run the remainder of the race? Wouldn't it be absolutely sensational to settle your tax debt once and for all? Why go "halfway"?


If you are in CNC status, the IRS has already acknowledged that you cannot pay your tax debt. Why not take it a step further and submit an Offer in Compromise so that your tax debt can be completely settled?


To find out what your best IRS tax relief option is, give our tax professionals a call. The consultation is free and will only take about 30 minutes to complete. Your eyes may be opened to some great tax debt help possibilities.


IRS News - 5 Essential Items to Know About Tax Resolution
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IRS News - 5 Essential Items to Know About Tax Resolution

dave rosa

2022-01-25 16:25

If you have tax debt, you may be a prime candidate to benefit from a tax relief company. Call Flat Fee for details.

IRS News - Expense Fraud - Be Careful
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IRS News - Expense Fraud - Be Careful

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2022-01-17 15:56

Get the latest IRS news as well as tips for individuals and businesses. Take advantage of easy-to-read info on a wide range of topics at Flat Fee.

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IRS News - Quarterly Tax Deadline

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2022-01-07 16:23

Get the latest IRS news at Flat Fee Tax Service, the coast-to-coast tax relief company.

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Flat Fee IRS Help - How Much Does Tax Relief Cost And What Are My Options?

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2022-01-04 19:31

For the best deal on IRS tax relief services, contact Flat Fee Tax Relief. IRS help at a very affordable fee.

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Tax Relief - What Is IRS Tax Relief?

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2021-12-15 16:17

How Can You Resolve Issues? What is tax relief? Contact Flat Fee for details.

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Tax News: Scam Risks Remain During Pandemic

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2021-11-23 15:34

Beware of scams not during the holidays but throughout the year.

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How to File Business Taxes for an LLC - Flat Fee Tax Service

dave rosa

2021-11-19 16:03

LLCs do not have a unique set of tax regulations. How you choose to have your earnings taxed will determine which IRS rules you must adhere to.

Can I Stop An IRS Levy? Flat Fee Tax Service
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Can I Stop An IRS Levy? Flat Fee Tax Service

dave rosa

2021-11-16 17:15

An IRS levy can be stopped and released in one day. Call Flat Fee Tax Service at 1-866-747-7435 for details.

Employee Retention Credit - ERC - What You Need to Know
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Employee Retention Credit - ERC - What You Need to Know

dave rosa

2021-11-15 15:37

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) could help many businesses thrive if used properly. This is a refundable tax credit.

COVID-19/Coronavirus Tax Relief News - Flat Fee Tax Relief
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COVID-19/Coronavirus Tax Relief News - Flat Fee Tax Relief

dave rosa

2021-11-01 14:33

Unemployment benefits are treated as ordinary income by the IRS. Unemployment is subject to taxes. Contact Flat Fee Tax service for details.

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Federal Tax Help - American Tax Relief - Flat Fee Tax Service

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2021-10-25 16:22

The IRS will settle tax debt when shown that the taxpayer cannot pay their tax debt.Contact Flat Fee Tax Service for details.

Tax Consulting: What if You Cannot Pay Your IRS Debt
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Tax Consulting: What if You Cannot Pay Your IRS Debt

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2021-10-20 21:33

The IRS has tax relief programs available that will settle a tax debt. For details, contact Flat Fee Tax Relief for details.

The IRS has Received More Tax Returns Compared to Last Year - Now What?
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The IRS has Received More Tax Returns Compared to Last Year - Now What?

dave rosa

2021-10-07 17:11

The IRS will be adding 83,000 additional IRS Agents. Before the IRS increases its enforcement, take a moment to explore your tax relief options.

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Tax Relief Scams - Tax Relief Companies - Protect Yourself - Flat Fee Tax Service

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2021-09-28 21:27

Read about tax relief scams and the companies that took advantage of taxpayers in need of tax relief. Receive expert tips on how to protect yourself from being

IRS Taxpayer Advocate Delays - Flat Fee Tax Relief Offers Immediate Help
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IRS Taxpayer Advocate Delays - Flat Fee Tax Relief Offers Immediate Help

dave rosa

2021-09-23 18:31

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS. TAS is overwhelmed. For federal tax help contact Flat Fee Tax Relief.

IRS Hardship - Currently not Collectible - CNC - Flat Fee Tax Relief
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IRS Hardship - Currently not Collectible - CNC - Flat Fee Tax Relief

dave rosa

2021-09-13 17:30

IRS Hardship is a topic that doesn’t get a whole lot of attention from tax professionals. “Currently Not Collectible” (CNC) status may help,

How Long Can The IRS Levy (Seize) My Social Security Benefit?
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How Long Can The IRS Levy (Seize) My Social Security Benefit?

dave rosa

2021-09-09 17:09

Social Security is the most relied income for elderly citizens. The IRS can garnish SSI to pay tax debts. The IRS can be stopped.

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Tax Debt Help - Tax Debt Relief - San Diego CA

dave rosa

2021-09-07 17:40

Get the tax help you need today. Call Flat Fee Tax Service for tax debt relief. Free consultation.

Looking for the Best Tax Relief Companies? Look Right Here
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Looking for the Best Tax Relief Companies? Look Right Here

dave rosa

2021-09-06 17:55

Should you are looking at tax relief companies, there are things you should consider before you make your decision. Contact Flat Fee Tax Service.

Don't Take On The IRS On Your Own - Don't Do It Yourself
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Don't Take On The IRS On Your Own - Don't Do It Yourself

dave rosa

2021-09-03 17:46

Tax debt can be debilitating. The IRS has a fresh start program that can settle a tax debt. Flat Fee Tax Service will help with tax debt relief.
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